The best way to start creating a good candle is through TESTING. First know what type of candle you would like to make such as the wax you use the wick and container for instance. Do you want an all natural wax like soy or soy blend. The vessel is also important because this will dictate what type of wick to use. Wicks come in all different sizes and work better in different types of wax. For instance CD wick work well in soy wax. Premier 700 type wicks work well in both soy and soy blend.
Once you figure out all the above then start making your candle. In the beginning you can just follow the manufactures suggestions on wax melting temp and what temp to add your fragrance oil. After a few candles you can start changing methods like wax melt temps, fragrance oil % to wax ratio and the hardest element, THE WICK!!!.
But the most important thing to do is TEST, TEST, TEST your finished product. During your test you can burn the candle for the standard suggested time of no more than 4 hours at a time to see how big the wax melt pool is for example or is the container getting too hot, is there a lot of soot for instance. I highly suggest for testing you burn your candle all the way to the bottom as each burn will give a different characteristic of your candle.
Well that's it for now more to come. Visit us on instagram - appleciderfarm
